Help Centre

Help Informations

What kind of help do you need?

illustration of a telephone

Need Urgent Help or Support?

If you are distressed or experiencing despair, try to speak to somebody now.

  • Is there a family member or a friend you could call?
  • Is there a neighbour or colleague who can help?

If you or anyone else is in immediate danger or harm, then please call the Police or Ambulance Service on 999.

Do you need medical or mental health help now?

Contacting your GP is often the best thing to do. They will know where to get the right support or specialist help for you.

If you have been in contact recently with mental health services, you can contact the Community Mental Health Team.

You can also access mental health support by going to the hospital Accident & Emergency department.

Get 24 hour support

Jersey Samaritans provide a 24-hour confidential telephone service for anyone needing emotional support or experiencing thoughts of suicide. They can be contacted on 116123.